What has been the worst city for sports in the USA in the last 10 years?

This is a question that comes up time to time between my friends, and we have never been able to agree on an answer. I thought it would be an interesting thought experiment to bring a little science into the argument, and come up with the city that has been subject to the most disappointing sports franchises in the last 10 years.

Bitcoin - Should you "invest" in it?

You may have recently heard about a brand new investment called Bitcoin that has been making millions of dollars for people around the world and how its value continues to rise with each passing day. The allure of such a great Return on Investment (ROI) might even have you thinking about purchasing some Bitcoin with the intent to hold it, and then sell at a later date for a profit. This blog post aims to answer some questions you may have and also provides my thoughts on Bitcoin as an investment.

Review of The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

The Lies of Locke Lamora is an exhilarating ride from beginning to end. The Gentleman Bastards specialize in cons – not small ones, think Ocean’s Eleven – and they are the best at what they do. All the success revolves around the intelligence of Locke Lamora and his daring schemes. The plot begins with a light tone but takes a turn for the dark and the reader is plunged into a breathless ride.

Review of A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

To put it simply, A Game of Thrones is possibly one of the best fantasy books to have ever been written. Not only does it stack up to the heavyweights, it demolishes most of them. George R.R. Martin’s main focus, however, is not the plot but the characters in his book.